Pubblicato il 21/06/2021

Technical Sales Manager Europe

Immediate Entry

Growing interest and acceptance around the world allow us to strengthen our international sales team. As regional sales manager for Europe you are responsible for the existing as well as potential customer base in the mechanized irrigation business in whole Europe. Extensive strategic, technical and sales abilities should count to your repertoire, as well as enhanced language skills.


  • Establish sales strategies together with CSO International for the European market
  • Attend to existing customers in the mechanized irrigation business and maintain/improve the business relationship
  • Support customers in all matters related to water application, technical questions, training and service
  • Identify and acquire new customers
  • Identify potential chances and possible barriers and establish strategies to overcome them
  • Understand market requirements and help in developing suitable solutions (product and approach wise)
  • Support the CSO International in marketing activities and market analyses
  • Consequent use of required CRM and reporting system
  • Regular reporting and communication of progress to headquarter


  • Ideally extensive experience in the mechanized irrigation business, other irrigation businesses, agronomics, hydraulics, or likewise
  • Several years of work experience in the irrigation sector (preferred pivot and/or traveller irrigation)
  • Comprehensive knowledge in marketing and sales
  • Language requirements: very good English (spoken and written), other languages beneficial (French, Spanish, Italian)
  • High team orientation
  • Strong motivation and commitment
  • High social and communicative competences and intercultural knowledge and adaptability
  • High willingness to travel

We offer:

  • A varied and challenging work in a strongly growing company
  • Working in a team of very knowledgeable and committed people
  • An exceptional working environment

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Avete un entusiasmo effervescente per l’irrigazione? Utilizzate il nostro modulo online e fate domanda per le offerte di lavoro pubblicate.

  • Dimensione max del file: 150 MB.
    Curriculum vitae *
  • Dimensione max del file: 150 MB.
    Lettera di candidatura *
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