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Why one Wisconsin farmer switched from drop mounted sprinklers to the Komet Precision Twister Peaks.

Nathan Bula’s family farm in Grand Marsh, Wisconsin, is part of a multi-generation enterprise: together with his father, brother and other family members, Nate farms over 10,000 acres of land in the states of Wisconsin and Missouri – growing food crops ranging from sweetcorn, peas and green beans to potatoes, alfalfa, soybeans, silage corn and grain corn. More than 110 center pivots are used to irrigate the farm’s expansive growing space; up until now, this was done with a mixture of fixed and rotating sprinklers.

Try before you buy. With livelihoods at stake, equipment upgrades are no small decision. So, when Nate was researching new sprinkler packages, a trial run in his own field seemed like the best way to find the perfect setup. Following a consultation with Komet’s regional technical sales manager, Nate installed four KPT sprinklers in his organic asparagus field. “I actually noticed several inches of growth difference under the KPT Peak versus the rotators”, he explains. “After that, I needed no more convincing”.

Less wind drift, even growth. Nate went on to equip three other pivots with the KPT Peaks. Along with this field, two other fields were converted, where he reports a visibly improved crop uniformity. Working closely with Komet’s technical sales manager and his dealer, allowed him to tailor his sprinkler package to his field environment, taking into account everything from water quality (iron-stained) to soil type (sandy loam) and the climate of Midwestern summers.

“My goal is to be as efficient as possible”, the fourth-generation farmer emphasizes. ”Since installing the KPT Peaks, there’s been virtually no wind drift. KPT’s really helped me manage my fertigation, run times and application rates”.

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