Komet Twin 101 Ultra on tripod stands

Bill McCarthy has been the general manager of Buckeye Farms for more than twenty years. Just outside the small town of Hagerman, Idaho (USA), he cultivates 1,600 acres of land with the aid of mechanized irrigation.

The farm’s growing space is entirely dedicated to corn – and the reason may surprise you: “Everything is done for the ducks,” our technical sales manager, who visited Bill for a consultation, explains. The farm is surrounded by a stunning wildlife management area, which is known both for its scenic beauty and as a birdwatching, hunting & fishing paradise. The corn raised on Buckeye Farms serves as an important food source for ducks and other waterfowl; at the same time, the tall crops provide ground cover, creating a perfect habitat.

To irrigate his fields in the region’s semi-arid climate, Bill uses 16 center pivots, combined with a series of hand-lines and solid sets. The water is sourced from canals and deep wells, so its quality can vary. Bill’s greatest challenge, however, has been the constant wind – along with equipment that wasn’t quite up to the task. “I always used to have a stack of guns that needed fixing,” he explains, “and I also had trouble irrigating the corners of the field.”

This led him to arrange an on-site consultation with his regional Komet Sales Manager, who came up with a reliable as well as flexible solution: mounting Komet’s Twin 101 Ultra high-volume guns on tripods, to irrigate the areas the pivot is unable to reach. Known for their exceptional durability and water-efficient operation, Komet’s high-end long-distance sprinklers have become the go-to choice for a wide range of applications – from solid sets and travelers to end-of-system irrigation. Installing them on moveable tripods is yet another testament to the Twin Ultra models’ versatility.

In view of the high winds and sandy soil structure, Bill now operates his corner guns at a flow rate of 125 gpm. The tripod setup makes his life much easier, as he no longer has to string out hand-lines; at the same time, his feed crops are thriving all the way into the outermost corners of his fields: the ducks are sure to thank him!

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